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Stationary Energy Storage


The installed capacity of stationary energy storage is increasing and predicted to be 7.3 GWh by 2030. The cumulative installed capacity of the stationary energy storage is less than 5% of the EVs. Germany and the UK are the pioneering markets for distributed and utility scale storage based on past financial incentives and ancillary service products respectively. In the coming decade countries such as Italy, Spain and France are expected to also become important players on this market [3].


Utility-Scale Energy Storage

Stationary energy storage systems at utility scale can be installed to support the grid by providing ancillary services such as frequency regulation or by relieving transmission or distribution congestion locally. In some areas (e.g. Great-Britain), batteries can also qualify for capacity remunerations. In Germany, more than 450 MW of large-scale BSS went online over the last five years [2]


Distributed Energy Storage

Batteries with decentralised energy production (e.g. household photovoltaics)  may shift  consumers to prosumers  in the energy market. The market for home storage systems (HSS) has seen a massive growth in countries like Italy and Germany. From 2014 to 2018, the HSS installed capacity increased almost 10 times in Germany [4]

The fast growing pace of EV sales and other Li-ion battery markets have led to volume-driven cost reduction. End-of-Life EV battery packs retaining between 80-85% of their original capacity can be repurposed to stationary energy storage after collection, testing and re-assemble. The cost of stationary energy storage not only includes battery packs, but also balance of system (BOS), power conversion system (PCS), engineering, procurement and construction (EPC), and grid connection depending on the boundary and function of the energy storage systems [1].















[1]      Tsiropoulos I., Tarvydas. D., Lebedeva N., “Li-ion batteries for mobility and stationary storage applications,” Joint Research Institute (JRC) of the European Commission, 2018.

[2]    Batstorm Project, “Battery Storage to Drive the Power System Transition,” European Commission, Sep. 2018.
[3]    “Market and technology development of stationary battery storage systems in Europe,” Energy Storage News. (accessed Apr. 27, 2020).
[4]    “The development of stationary battery storage systems in Germany – A market review,” Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 29, p. 101153, Jun. 2020, Accessed: Apr. 27, 2020. [Online].
[5]    Chloe Holzinger Tim Grejtak, “Global Energy Storage Market Forecast 2019,” Lux Research, Feb. 2020.

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